05/24/2018 —
Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit fell upon followers of Jesus for the first time. And because He lives within every believer, you have the power to lead others to Jesus, cast out devils, deliver them from addictions and be a sign and wonder to people in your circle of influence.
Acts 2:1–13
“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like a mighty rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. There appeared to them tongues as of fire, being distributed and resting on each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
“Now dwelling in Jerusalem were Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. When this sound occurred, the crowd came together and were confounded, because each man heard them speaking in his own language. They were all amazed and marveled, saying to each other, ‘Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? How is it that we hear, each in our own native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites, residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the regions of Libya near Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own languages the mighty works of God.’ They were all amazed and perplexed, saying to each other, ‘What does this mean?’
“Others mocking said, ‘These men are full of new wine’” (MEV).
- Because of Pentecost, the supernatural is available for your life! You can counter and render null and void every attack of the adversary in your life because you have been filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Miracles, signs and wonders have not ceased! They are for today, and the reason they are for today is because of the Holy Spirit. When you have been filled with the Holy Spirit, you have access to the supernatural.
- But you’re not given the Holy Spirit primarily for your own healing, though it is for that as well. You’re given the Holy Spirit so you can be His presence in your circles of influence. There are more than half a million people who live within 12 miles of WHC who have no idea what He’s about–and He’s empowered each of us to show them.
- Having received the Holy Spirit, go into your world and set others free by His power!
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said He would send Another Comforter, and I thank You that on the first Pentecost, He did! This source of Your divine power has given us all we need for godliness, that we may be partakers of Your divine nature and share Your love with others.
Make me a vessel of Your Holy Spirit, both so I may be healed and delivered from every attack of the enemy and so I may be a beacon of hope in my circles of influence. Use me to distribute Your Holy Spirit where it is needed most, so You may be glorified in the earth and that Your Kingdom be brought to fruition.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ – Jehovah Joshua Messiah – I pray. Amen!
In Matthew 18, Jesus said "Truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." Let’s stand in agreement with the following members of our church family who have requested prayer:
We want to pray with YOU!
Send in your prayer request on this online form so we can agree with you in prayer!
Send in your testimony or praise report here when God moves in your life, so we can give Him glory with you!!