Every soul is important in the Kingdom of God and that includes you! From the richest of the rich to the poorest of the poor and everything in between every soul is important. Whether you are a first time guest or have been around World Harvest Church for a while, we consider you family.
One thing you may hear frequently here at World Harvest Church is the expression, “It’s all about the one.” What does that mean? It comes from the parable that Jesus spoke about the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep for that one lost sheep. There was much rejoicing over the return of that one lost sheep (Matthew 18:11-13). First and foremost, your salvation is important to us. Your eternal standing before a Holy God is the most important thing in life. Jesus said, “…Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). If you are unsure of your eternal destination and want to talk to a prayer partner, there are people willing and able to talk to you. Just pick up the phone and call 844-382-1245 or speak to any of our DreamTEAM volunteers before or after services.
During the span of our lives, we encounter countless numbers of people who need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Who is your one? Have you invited your neighbors, friends, or family? What about the person who does your hair or even the restaurant servers you encounter? You could think of many more examples. Let them know about World Harvest Church and what God is doing through this ministry. Be a bringer and become a vital part of this soul-winning ministry.
Our “What’s Next” class is one extraordinary 40 minute session where you can find out more about us as a church family, its history and vision through Lead Pastor, Dr. Rod Parsley. Child care is provided and lunch is on us. We encourage you to
get plugged into this dynamic and life-changing ministry.
Baptism is an important step for the Christian walk of faith. This shows that we are baptized into Christ’s death and are raised up into His resurrection (Romans 6:3-11). What can wash away our sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Through this act of symbolism, we are showing and making a public declaration of our willingness to put down our old carnal self and raised as a fresh and clean new creation in Christ (1 Corinthians 5:17).
Register to Be Made New.
We carry this message about “all about the one” in everything we do here at World Harvest Church. For those who are looking to get connected you can become part of our DreamTEAM! We have several areas you may be interested in serving through, if you are interested in
getting plugged in and becoming an active part of this great soul-winning ministry!