Next to assuring your own place in heaven, there’s nothing more rewarding than showing your children the importance of being part of the Kingdom of God. At the direction of the Holy Spirit Pastor Parsley has scheduled a baby dedication service for Sunday, June 18, during the 10 a.m. service.
It’s great to be part of a church family that includes so many outstanding young Christian families. Not every church needs to hold a baby dedication service! It’s also a great opportunity to invite friends, family members, co-workers and neighbors with young children to church that day. Many unchurched adults are willing to consider coming to a worship service for their kids’ sake; if you can bring them in the building God and Pastor Parsley will give them reasons to return!
A special picture taking opportunity with you children will follow the service in the East foyer.
If you have a young child you wish to dedicate during the June 18 morning worship service, please register in one of three ways:
- In person before or after a WHC service at the Connect Centers in all three foyers.
- Call the Pastoral Care office at (614) 837-1990, ext. 312, during normal business hours.
- To register, email Tallia at
Be sure to sign up by Friday, June 16.
If you sign up you will be asked to attend a brief meeting at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, June 18, in the D wing commons, so you’ll know what to do during the dedication service. Please plan to join us in showing the children of this church family the way they should go!